Monday, 2 April 2012

This Storm shall pass

This storm shall pass eventually
over the roof of your house
and dance over the tip
of the nearby river
before blowing a crafty kiss
at the moon.

It shall pass over the top of the moors
which will totally fail to hold their delight
and also the trees that previously
were tossed around in the wind
will do a ranting version of
Amazing Grace as a farewell.

The wind will stop making
your bones feel like confetti
and your hair will look like
an ice cream cone.

It shall stop eventually
droning missles against your window
and stop the moon
looking like a near death experience,

and take away the tears
before the sun comes back again
with a loud smile
far away
from the cackling wind.

1 comment:

  1. I love the imagery in this one, almost candy-coating the seriousness, a half-laugh, maybe, that accents the maturity/wisdom of it.
